Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Come On Baby, Light My Fire!

This past Saturday night, I was with my guy, at one of his band practice sessions. This is a band that is into heavy, dark, electronica. He drums for them, and I think he does great. The band is comprised mainly of people that work for Moog Music. If you don't know about Moog, do some research. Robert Moog changed the face of music. Not only with synthesizers, but with effects pedals, and other means of modulating signals.

Anyhow, they were running kind of long at practice, and I had been talking with one of the band member's wife all night. Practice was at thier house, and it was the first time I had really been there the whole time. She is someone I went to school with and was friends with for the short time that she was at my school. She was getting hungry, and said that her husband normally did the cooking on the grill. She had been marinating chicken and steak all day, and it was calling to her.

Being the grillmeister that I am, I offerred my assistance. She said if I wanted to I was welcome to do it. So I did.

I carefully stacked the charcoal in the grill, and asked for lighter fluid. She told me it was the pre-soaked kind. Oh boy. The last time I used that stuff, it CAUGHT my grill on fire, and damn near burned down my house. So I was apprehensive of using it, but I did anyway. I lit the coals and they flamed up so high that I thought that the roof of her front porch might ignite. I closed the lid and opened the vents. After a bit, I thought that it was burning at a reasonable rate. Then I made my mistake. I opened the lid.

A frickin' fireball shot out at me!

And it caught me on fire! Holy cripes!

My hair was on fire, my shirt was on fire, and I freaked the fark out! I was patting at both my hair and shirt like a madwoman. I got it out in the span of about 5 seconds, but it scared the bejesus out of me! All we could smell was burning hair. Then after a minute of freak out, I realized my arm really hurt. I looked down, and everywhere that was exposed was burnt. Not badly, but like a flash burn. My shirt was crispy, and all the hair on my arm and the little hairs on your face on my right side, all burnt to nubs. The hair on my head, took a good loss to the right side, but it's pretty hard to tell. I have so much hair, no one says that they notice, but I do.

Regardless of the human barbeque, the chicken and steak came out excellent.

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