Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bloggers Unite!

(previous post, old blog 11/5/07, giving my girls props!)

I just have to say, if you really want an interesting read, you need to go to

She is an anonymous writer, whom I think is one of the more profound writers on the internet. Some call it blogging, but I get tired of the new slang due to the technology age. Point is, this woman writes what is. She doesn't try to put a spin on it, she just tells it like she sees it. And as a human, isn't that all we can really do? Relate on another human level....not like I am better than you because I drive an SUV (aka Stupid Useless Vehicle) or because I have a better job, or because I had a better upbringing....she tells it how it is. And that is refreshing.
I have been reading her for about 1.5 years now, always through another site which I am going to stop even visiting because it is really starting to lack in a lot of areas. Mostly in the fact that the posts are few and far between and they are really lacking in any kind of .....well, fact, he has another writer contributing, and between the two, there still isn't anything worth a damn.

So, VA, I have been reading you, and I like knowing that there is someone out there that has had just as weird and bad and good of a life growing up. I agree with a lot of your views, and I feel a kind of kindred spirit thing going on. You know nothing of me, but if you and i were to meet, I feel that we would like to know each other. (um, this isn't a proposition....)
So readers, all 2 of them of mine, please go and check out VA. She rocks. And she speaks truth. I know how she feels when she has been accused of making it all up. I have been to, and well, I ONLY WISH I had had a normal (or anything resembling it) life. But yet it makes you (the past) who you are.

VA's post today about christmas really rang true. I have been fighting my work on the pre thanksgiving christmas bullshit. Oh, btw, I am kinda subsequently being fired for it. Well, fired in a way that they don't have to pay unemployment. Cut my hours til I quit, or take me off the schedule completely and not actually terminate me. All because I embrace a different part of the year, and was grilled for 2 days about it. I think it happened right around the time my boss said, "I hate halloween, but I guess some people would say that about christmas" Well, fuck I said it. He looked at me as if I had nailed Jesus to the cross myself.
So I just wanted to say, right on VA for speaking the truth. That's exactly why I read you and hell, who knows, I might send a few readers your way....

oh, and one of the links on her page I like a lot too, well worth it, if only for the fact that you learn the meaning of the word bomboclaat. I actually made up a little ditty set to a reggae tune that I sing in the shower dedicated to the uber smelly dog of Jamaican Insult.

And as a closing I would like to ask that you take a look at wide lawn's birthday challenge, and VA's backing it up. How about this guys, why don't we do it for christmas too? I mean, VA's got a point with the commercialism. .Why don't we just ask for ppl to give to (name your charity or charities) instead? Or better yet, instead of shopping, spend that time, and it is a lot when you think about shopping for christmas, actually volunteering your time to help those less fortunate. It DOES make a difference. Not only for them, but yourself as well.
Rock on VA and Wide Lawns, you have a dedicated reader for sure.

Psss....pass it on.

Closing the Circle

(Post from 11/25/07)

I just realized something. An epiphany, if you will. Here goes. Every significant, life altering event in my life has come full circle. Every single thing. It's freaky weird. And it all has to do with where I am working. Check it out.

I now work at National Car Rental which is located in the Holiday Inn Airport. I started work on Nov. 16th. The 18th anniversary of my father's death. Not only did I work at National for a short time about a decade ago, but I married a man that worked at National. Prior to that, I had dated a man that worked at National, with whom I got pregnant, and had to make a decision I will never make again. This very same man, whom remained a close friend moved on Nov. 16th, the very same day that I started work at National. The man that was my first love, Chris, used to work at the Holiday Inn. He was murdered 10 years ago on Nov. 17th. And the 18th was Bret's birthday. And I about had a life altering move then too. But didn't. The circle is closed I think.

Does anyone see the correlataion as I do? To me it's just freaky wierd.

I've been waiting....

Merry Christmas!

(previous post on old blog 12/25/07 early morning)

So here it is, first new blog in some time. Partly because I now live life, real life, not online. So much has gone on....started a new job, as my last post says. Here's where it gets good. I moved. Finally. Out of the shithole I was living in to a place where I not only have space, but privacy, and solitude, and let's not forget the quiet. Oh the quiet. Spend 3 months living underneath ppl that fight constantly, fuck constantly, and seem to puke constantly. I had nothing but nightmares while I was there. Sleep was not good. In fact, I felt more tired after sleep than before it. Now, oh now, I sleep well. Part of it may be that I am now sleeping on the bed that I used to sleep on before I left for Canada. And I have acquired a few of my old possesions again, thanks mom...

I finally got moved in over the weekend. Just in time. I had told Bret all I wanted for Christmas was a place of our own. Well, we are here, albeit with floors of plywood. We ripped up all the flooring, and are relaying it. Oak will be nice. We are going to paint it in a kind of a southwest theme. Make it all warm and cozy.
On other notes, work is going well, I am ranked 2 in upselling, and I'm the noob. So the others probably hate me, but I'm making some dough finally. Trying to pay off what I have borrowed since being back in the country. I came back in debt, so one can imagine....

Things on the homefront have been good. Bret and I had a little rough spot at the beginning of the month, but all has been pudding since then, mainly cause I hadn't been online. And I think it is has done me well. I need to live life instead of a virtual life.

I had no money to buy anything this xmas. So I gave away things, and donated. Even though I have nothing and am barely above the poverty line myself. I also made things, like coupon books. People can redeem them for my services, and there is nothing expected in return. I gave one tonight, and the person said it was the most creative and heartfealt gift they had ever gotten. Made me feel good.

So here it is, Christmas morning, and I hope all are doing well, and all have a good night. Some of you I will be seeing tomorrow, others I will see some other time.

Peace be to all.

New Developments!

(Another previous post on said other blog on 01/12/08)

As usual, a lot has gone on with me since last posting. For starters, I am learning to snowboard! Woohoo! Man that shit is fun! I went last weekend for the first time at I said, man what a good time. I haven't had that much fun/not fun in a long time. What was not fun was the first few hours. What was fun was the next few hours. It took a bit for me to get the hang of it, but I did get a hold of it fairly quickly. Where it wasn't fun, was how hard I was having to work just to stand. After my bindings were adjusted to better suit my height and stance, hell it was a blast! I was going to go this weekend for a short bit, but decided I would have better use of time if I went on my day off...coming in 2 days. I am going out on my own. And I can't fucking wait.
On other ground, things at home are going good, and work is going great. I really like where I work, because it is structured, and there are actual guidelines to go by. I do like a creative side to work, but here lately, I can't find a balance with it. So now, I just take happiness in my workload.
On other fronts, I have been giving religion a rethinking. This is a damn touchy subject with me, so know I do not tread lightly on it. I have been a self proclaimed pagan for a long time now. Until a few months ago. I really started to disect some things about my beliefs. I had been told by more than a few ppl that for a pagan I acted awful christian. Hmmmm.......after much study and thought I have come to this conclusion. I really think that I truly believe in a early form of christianity. Not the roman version, not anyone's version, other than that of the variety born in the UK at the time of the fall of paganism as a main belief. It was an assimilation of pagan and christian beliefs. Now those who know me and know me well, would shit thier pants. I have long and hard fought that entire movement of assimilation. What happened was that I was brought face to face with why I fought it. I will be quite honest in saying that for many many years I blamed "God" for all that went wrong in my life. I figured that if god was the reason I had all my problems that I could easily dismiss the power and teachings that could aid me. I chose the hard road. WTF is wrong with me? Well this topic and subsequential questions came out of it. You know what? The answers I had for them were not easy to swallow. In fact I am still struggling with it. But only because I am one stubborn SOB. And I hate to say I am wrong, though I will. Point is, I would have to say that my core beliefs are shifting. And not because I was forced to. Because I have finally faced the music.
A lot of this has to do with my dad's death. This is the one area of my life that I have neglected for way too long. I accept his death. I never accepted why it had to happen. I just accepted that it did. Well, sirs, that ain't good enough. What it takes is strength and courage to really ask yourself why you turned your back on god. And instead, tried to justify your actions, when there really was no justification needed. Only understanding.
I am being guided by 4 ppl very close to me on this. They have seen for some time that I am not who I say I am. At least not spiritually. I am regaining a different sense of being. And you know what? It feels right. ( I never in a million years thought I would ever say that) I don't go to church, and haven't even confessed all of my thoughts yet. The closest I came was with Bret one night. And even then, I couldn't go through with it. For some reason, I am still not ready to....this is the closest I have come to that.

I was going to go into another topic, but it deserves a blog of it's own. Had some realizations lately, did a little research, and am somewhat surprised by my findings. As not to keep you in total suspense, what this blog will have to do with is UFO's and abductions, and dream sequences, and history, and what I found was astounding. It only backs up what I seem to have known from the get go. It's eerie creepy. Only because I half wanted to believe I was crazy for making the claims that I did. But, I think that not only was I right, but I am seeing the future. It's a bit fucked up, but if you listen to Coast to Coast at all, it would be no stranger than a breadcrumb.

So ready yourselves for an in depth blog about how not only did we come from an alien species, but many different ones, and how the history of the world is somehow tied to it, and how we will not fall desolate in "rapture" or whatever, how where it will matter is the intergalactic war that will take place on our planet. Call me nuts, but I shit you not when I say I have dreamed of this. Over and over. Since I was a child. I am apparantly not the only one to have these dreams. I have found out recently. Here's where it gets tricky......the tie in of places and names, especially dating to latin beginnnings. Oh it get's good, so stay tuned.

I feel I have rambled enough for tonight. Peace to all.


(This is a previos post to a blog I used to run regularly. I will be posting some of the better posts from this blog to make up for my lack of writing this month. This post is on 03/01/08)

I'm reading a book right now, Ishmael. It is starting out great. I like the writing, and the story is captivating. Without giving too much of a spoiler, it has to do with a gorilla and infinite wisdom. It is complex, yet simple, kind of like Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I'm only about 50 pages into it, just started, but it is shaping up quite nice. Looking for a good read, give it a whirl.

I had a very weird day. Didn't sleep well, had a fight with my man as soon as he woke up, harsh words, apologies, then back to sleep, morningmares, then the day alone. Tried to get my car inspected and the oil changed, spent an hour and a half trying to find a place open to do it (they used to be open on Saturdays, what happenned?) Then to work at 4. Slow night there too. Home at around 12:30, want to play poker, and new comp won't let me load the program. Probably simple, but I don't feel like messing with it tonight. Just perusing the net, catching up on some blogs. Feeling just all around weird tonight. Must be a moon phase, or a planet changing houses.

Morningmares, the same as nightmares, but in the morning. I have them every single time I get up in the morning, after 30mins to an hour, decide I need more sleep. I go back to sleep, and every time, I have a nightmare. It doesn't matter if I wake up in a good mood or not, if the morning interactions are smooth or not. It just doesn't matter. I rarely, if ever, have a nightmare at night. So I renamed them morningmares. They are very vivid, and I always wake up so upset, shaken, disturbed, and out of touch with this plane, that it takes me at least 30 mins to and hour and a half to get right in the head, to shake it mentally. Then normally the rest of the day it will consume my thoughts as I analyze the bejesus out of it. They always seem so real. And I normally wake after something very terrible happens. I wake and my heart is racing, I'm breathing heavy and normally scared. I jump out of bed as if it a bed made out of hot coals. And that normally causes an immediate imbalance in my equilibrium. And I stumble or fall. It's like I have to get out of my bedroom as quickly as's like I bring the dream into reality for a bit. Does anyone else do that too? How do you feel when you have nightmares, and are they so real that you wonder if it really did happen? Mine always involve people I care about.

Chime in in the comments section with your experiences in nightmares/morningmares.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fire! Fire!

Over Memorial Day weekend, I went to a bonfire/cookout at the last minute. I had no other plans and was off for the weekend, so what the hell. I'm in!

The shindig was in Marion, way east of here, and a dry county....those bastards! We stopped off in Black Mountain to get some suppplies. We got all kinds of goodies for an awesome cookout. Hamburger, hot dogs, sausage, baked beans, veggies, chips, dip, and LOTS O' BEER!

Needless to say I got a little fuckard. Just a skosh....

We, at one point, had a fire that was 8 feet high and burning strong. It got kinda chilly up here in the mountains, and I remember just sticking close to it. After a relaxing evening of mega drinking and marvelling at the wonder of nature that is fire, I decided to crash. *side note, I can stare at fire for hours, and never get bored, just more ingrossed in the dance of the flames*

My place of sleeping...a hammock.

I hadn't done that in years. There was once a time in my life where I lived on the mountain just to the north of Mt. Mitchell (highest mountain east of the Mississippi River). I lived in the open. I was staying at this place that my boyfriend at the time knew of. The owner of the property used to be a prolific club owner in town, he sold out and went wild. He had built this one room shack on the top of a mountain, complete with rain water recepticles and solar showers. He had somehow hauled up an old 50's style Coca-Cola chest-style cooler, complete with bottle opener. Once a month, he would haul up like 100 lbs of ice, and that was how he kept his food and beer cold. I cooked everything on an open fire, in a very nice fire pit he had built with the granite on the mountain. At the time, I thought it was heaven. I woke up every morning with the most spectacular views. I would open my eyes to the sunrise over a 6684' peak. Nothing but color in the panoramic view of the range. And the air, so fresh. I loved it there.

But this guy, he had some weird things about him...for one, he didn't mind us staying there as long as we did not bother him. Two, he the nude. Three, motherfucker was just weird. For the most part, I never even saw him. I stayed there over a month. Well, one night, it rained so hard that it hurt. I tried to shield myself from it, but to no avail. It was literally coming from all directions. I pleaded with Michael to see if he would let us in the shack. He reluctantly asked. The guy was not happy to be woken in the middle of the night by the two vagrants sleeping in his hammock. But he obliged, and let us in. We were allowed to sleep on the top bunk of his bunk bed. Now, there is no ladder. I am 5'2". This did not bode well. I was to try to jump up to a bed that was at least 7 feet high. I went for it, my arms buckled, I fell. CRASH! That really pissed dude off. I gave it another go, and got in. But damn, it wasn't easy for a hobbit like me.

I hadn't slept in a hammock since. I was about 21 at the time, and now I am 32. Big difference in comfort level. It was great while I was in it alone. But when Bret joined me, it got interesting. The whole balance thing. Seemed easier back when.

I woke up when I actually rolled out of the hammock onto the ground. It wasn't a far fall, maybe a foot. Somehow, he didn't wake up when he was almost catapulted out of the damn thing. I got up, stoked the coals of the fire, and watched the sunrise.

I packed up all his music gear, and woke him. Sweet kisses in the morning sun. Regardless of the discomfort of the night's sleep, it was still nice to wake up in the fresh morning air, without even so much as a sleeping bag. It's a primitive and good feeling.

I love it.