Monday, May 12, 2008

Birth of a Nebula

Today, Zombies With Guns was born. Today, A Force of Nature decided to show itself. Today, a new mind has come into the matrix. Today is the beginning, how far it goes, depends on a lot of variables.

This blog will be a mix of posts. It will be stories of the past, some of which are so incredible, so "unreal" that many of you may think that I am full of shit. Which would be a wrong assumption. I only wish that I had any semblance to a normal upbringing. The things that have happened to me, with me, and around me, have all truly happened. I seem to have some kind of freak magnet lodged in my third chakra.

Other posts will be about current life. Which I can guarantee you will be probably so mundane that you will wonder if I am the same person...alas, I am. As I have grown older, so have I grown wiser. Not to say that I still don't have a wild hair up my arse from time to time.

Yet, there will be other posts that deal with purely existential topics. Ones for the great minds to ponder on.

Welcome to Zombies With Guns, where you never know what you may read about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure why zombies need guns but I don't know that much about zombies so I'm willing to learn...